The Bubble Lounge (Highland Park & University Park Texas)

Surviving Thanksgiving with Our College Girls

Martha Jackson Season 7 Episode 49

This Thanksgiving, join Martha and her good friend Christie Weichsel for a lighthearted and entertaining episode perfect for cooking, cleaning, or sneaking away for a break from the holiday chaos! With their college-age daughters joining the conversation, they’ll share laughs about what it’s like to come home after being at college, Thanksgiving conversation dos and don’ts, and tips for supporting local businesses while holiday shopping. It’s a festive, feel-good episode filled with relatable moments and family traditions.

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Speaker 1:

I wanted to give a personal thank you to our good friend and show sponsor, kathy Elwall State Farm Agency. We have known Kathy for more than 15 years and there is no person we trust more when it comes to insurance than Kathy Elwall. Kathy is always available to help you find the right insurance for your family needs, whether it's covering your home, auto or providing a life insurance policy tailored to the unique needs of families in Highland Park. My family trusts Kathy with our insurance and we hope you will too. Please visit kathylwallcom to learn more and let her know that Martha from the Bubble Lounge sent you. Welcome to the Bubble Lounge. I'm Martha Jackson and today we have a full house in celebration for Thanksgiving. I have my BFF, christy Weissel, joining me, along with our girls. Girls, can you go around and introduce yourselves?

Speaker 3:

Hi. I'm Alexis, I'm Hannah, I'm Hallie and I'm Christy.

Speaker 1:

Hallie and I'm Christy. Well, we're so excited to have you guys back in town, all the way from TCU and UT, super far away. But tell us, like, what is it like coming back in town after you've been away from college?

Speaker 3:

It's nice to have a home-cooked meal and a real bed to sleep in, not a dorm bed. And a real bed to sleep in, not a dorm bed.

Speaker 4:

I was ready to come back. I needed a little break from school Just because it's been such a busy fall. It's nice to just relax at home, have my mom do laundry and also just hang out with my sister.

Speaker 2:

It's been really nice having someone to take care of me and do my laundry and not having to share it with six other girls. It's been really nice.

Speaker 5:

Okay, your mother and I just had this conversation that it's important for our girls to do their own laundry and clearly Martha and I are being huge hypocrites.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely Well, I just want to share from a parent's perspective or actually I want you to first, christy just like the anticipation of when they're coming back.

Speaker 5:

I feel like it's Christmas every time I know they're coming home. Like I love when my nest is full, like I love when the girls are home and all four of us are together, it makes my heart so happy.

Speaker 1:

I agree a hundred percent. Like the days leading up to her arrival, I literally was like shouting from the rooftops like I'm at the grocery store to strangers, my daughter's coming back in town and people that know me is Alexis coming? Yes, I can't wait. She'll be here on Saturday. And we kicked it off with a really special dinner, which was pretty cool is I was invited to Crown Block, the restaurant on top of Reunion Tower me and a guest to come and I invited Alexis and she came in Saturday. We immediately got ready and we went to dinner up there and it was really cool.

Speaker 5:

That sounds amazing. I wish I could have gone. Well, you could have.

Speaker 1:

If they would have allowed more people. Definitely you would have been on top of the invite list, but we had a really great time and then I feel like I haven't really seen her since then exactly we think we're gonna get all this quality time with our girls, but then they disappear the minute they come through the door.

Speaker 1:

Well, I just think, as a parent, you really need to adjust your expectations because I, like I, literally in my I had this mental list of all this fun stuff we were going to do and she's literally leaving the day after Thanksgiving to go to the UT A&M game in College Station.

Speaker 5:

That sounds like fun. It does sound like fun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, tell us about this game.

Speaker 2:

It's not, I'm leaving, but I feel like it's for good cause. No, it's the first time in what 10 years they're playing, so it should be a good game.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what I think about all of our teams being SEC. What do you think, christy? Because, like I, literally couldn't touch tickets for OU Texas this year and I'm pretty used to going to the games but the prices are super inflated now that everyone's in the SEC oh, I agree, the prices are out.

Speaker 5:

I mean outrageous and that kind of. I think that cuts a lot of people out, including students and a lot of alumni.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, exactly come to a TCU game. You don't have to pay that much for it. We're not this year.

Speaker 1:

Well, so my dad was a TCU alum and I grew up having with him having season tickets, really great tickets on the 50 yard line under the cover and all the stuff, and we would go all the time and those that's like what formed my opinions of college football and it was pretty amazing, amazing, like it still had this small hometown feel, but you know, it's exciting being at the big stadium it's so much fun.

Speaker 4:

Everybody I feel like in fort worth is a tcu fan, even if they didn't go to tcu yeah, everywhere you go there's just purple and purple and more purple.

Speaker 1:

Your mom and I have been going to fort worth quite a bit lately, like that's becoming, like it might become a segment on the podcast.

Speaker 5:

Yes, it should. My youngest daughter, Hannah, was upset that I didn't tell her we came to Fort Worth.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that last time, yes, the last time we kind of like swept in.

Speaker 4:

We sort of snuck in and snuck out.

Speaker 3:

Yeah you called me and you're like, oh, I'm here in Fort Worth. And I was like, oh, I haven't been doing anything this whole afternoon. I was literally just sitting around.

Speaker 5:

Oh, no, I'm sorry, that's mom guilt right there.

Speaker 1:

So what is the Whitesell family doing for Thanksgiving?

Speaker 5:

Well, if weather permitting, we're going to get up and do the turkey trot and then we're going to the club for lunch.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that is impressive. I've never done the turkey trot, but I admire anyone that does that, because you have to wake up pretty early.

Speaker 5:

And meet about 50,000 of your other friends that want to get out there and have a crazy fun time, though it is so much fun and I love seeing all the animals and babies.

Speaker 4:

What animals are you talking about? I do see turkeys running the turkey truck.

Speaker 3:

Yes, everybody has a little, turkey hat on.

Speaker 5:

No people bring their dogs and they dress them up.

Speaker 1:

And little turkey outfits. It's so cute. Oh my gosh, that's so funny. I think we should do that. What do you think, alexis?

Speaker 2:

Oh, I would love to see us try.

Speaker 4:

No, y'all should, and would love to see us try.

Speaker 1:

No y'all should I walk in Bring y'all's dogs oh my God, Our dogs are crazy, but they would look really good in a turkey outfit.

Speaker 5:

What is the Jackson household?

Speaker 1:

doing so. Sean and Alexis have a tradition where they cook some pies. They're so cute in the kitchen together it really melts my heart. They've been doing it for several years. Alexis loves to bake and so they do an apple pie, which I usually am not super excited about apple pie, but this one is amazing and there's so many apples involved and so many ingredients and they're in there all morning long and so they're going to be doing that. Then we are going to Kathy Wall's house for Thanksgiving.

Speaker 5:

How fun Wait, so y'all use real apples not the canned.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, they're real.

Speaker 3:

We've never had a home-cooked Thanksgiving, so we would never know that is not true.

Speaker 1:

I do not believe that. For a minute, hannah, we did have one home-cooked Thanksgiving, Hannah.

Speaker 4:

I remember when the turkey was raw and the mashed potatoes weren't. They were overcooked and everything else came from Whole Foods.

Speaker 3:

That sounds like a story.

Speaker 5:

That is not exactly true. We were invited to a friend's house for Thanksgiving.

Speaker 1:

And you brought raw potatoes.

Speaker 5:

Well, I did. Yes, I did bring raw potatoes. She made a turkey and there were so many of us that she made two and they neither of them were cooked, and it was cooked, it was like eight o'clock at night, and so everybody was eating.

Speaker 5:

you know like when you have a steak and the edges are a little bit more cooked than it's center everybody was eating like the edge of the turkey, and then nobody even touched the potatoes because I thought I was making mashed potatoes, but it ended up the recipe was for scallop potatoes and so it was a disaster all around that. I think mostly everybody ate rolls and a little bit of salad now we leave the cooking to the pros it's so much easier and way more enjoyable.

Speaker 5:

But then that there was also one year that, um, I served chocolate soup instead of chocolate pie. Oh I, it was my first time I got this fabulous recipe from a friend and I didn't know how long you're supposed to stir it in the pan and I thought, oh well, certainly once I put this in the refrigerator, it'll and it didn't. Literally, you could have taken a ladle and scooped it out and poured it out in a bowl for everybody.

Speaker 1:

It was pretty funny, oh my gosh. Well, I just feel like you know the meat portion of thanksgiving is so important. So if we're hosting, I definitely buy that like ready to warm up and I let someone else take that on yes, we love those greenberg turkeys.

Speaker 5:

Whenever we serve um thanksgiving dinner at home, we'll we purchase a lot of a good portion of the meal okay, we had one of those one time and I didn't think did you get a phone call?

Speaker 1:

do you need it? Remember when I answered alexis's phone call?

Speaker 5:

yes, the last time you and I did a podcast, so this is the second time you've been on the podcast in, like the past month that's awesome.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, your phone call made it in.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah about your uh cup about your.

Speaker 3:

Stanley cup, your Stanley cup is great.

Speaker 1:

Well, you know you called. It seemed funny to answer the phone at the time and I did so. Um, we gave tips on how to clean a Stanley Cup. It was all good.

Speaker 5:

All in good shape.

Speaker 1:

Well, so the craziest story that we have is Sean and I this is way before we even had kids is we cooked the most elaborate meal from scratch. I mean amazing recipes and so many different things, entrees and side items and all the stuff and then it ended up freezing on thanksgiving day and our guests didn't come. So we had this humongous, amazing meal and no one to share it with only the two of you, I know right yeah, it was totally just us. No one came.

Speaker 5:

We were so disappointed that is such a bust. But hey, then you. Then you had leftovers, oh, for the next month.

Speaker 1:

I think yeah, for sure.

Speaker 3:

I think leftovers are sometimes better than the actual meal.

Speaker 2:

I would agree. Like the Thanksgiving leftover sandwiches, I always see those like from friends. That's the one I want.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Well, I know you girls see a lot of things on TikTok. Have you seen any leftover videos giving us good pointers of how to share these leftovers afterwards?

Speaker 4:

no, not so much okay, great but do y'all?

Speaker 5:

I know hallie does this, but do you do friendsgiving?

Speaker 2:

um no, not in a few years, because a lot of my friend group they're like playing sports at other schools, so we're not really all in town for it.

Speaker 3:

Well, mom, I remember last year when me and my friends had a Friendsgiving, but we did it two days after Thanksgiving and we all brought leftovers.

Speaker 5:

Oh, that's smart.

Speaker 1:

That's really smart.

Speaker 5:

I forgot about that. That was a really good way to get rid of all that Exactly.

Speaker 1:

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Speaker 1:

Well, so on the holidays, there's always things that you need to do and not do, especially with family members that are coming down. I literally had drinks with a friend last night that was having so much anxiety about some family that was coming in town and she wasn't ready to receive them. So she wanted to go out for a drink or two and it just made me realize, like that is such a hot topic as to you know, what you should and shouldn't do on Thanksgiving, and I actually brought some things that are a good distraction.

Speaker 5:

Ooh, what did you bring?

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of family games that you can play.

Speaker 5:

This one's called Do you Really Know your Family?

Speaker 2:

Oh no 150 tales.

Speaker 5:

Table compoth T-A-L-E-S.

Speaker 1:

She's scared to read it. Go ahead.

Speaker 5:

Drunk, stoned or stupid in an incoherent family. Oh my gosh, I think I need to borrow one of these.

Speaker 1:

Martha, I know they're really funny and we should pull out at least one or two cards on each and just read them. Let the girls read them. I'm going with Like just randomly pull something out. Okay.

Speaker 4:

From Drunk, stoned or Stupid.

Speaker 1:

I love that. That's where we started.

Speaker 4:

Lost Sheets for Bed. So do you hand this to someone?

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I don't think Okay, I'm going to hand this, I feel like Alexis, would lose her sheets for her bed.

Speaker 3:

So I'm going to give that card to.

Speaker 4:

Alexis, we'll read another. Always tries, oh no, no, we can't read that.

Speaker 1:

Okay, maybe we should take this game out of the next one. I actually don't know if we've ever played this one.

Speaker 2:

Is it that bad it?

Speaker 1:

sounds bad, oh God, no, okay, let's take that one out of the mix.

Speaker 5:

Wait let me see, I'm going to give that one to you. I think we need to go to another game. That's podcast appropriate, okay. So this game is very fun. I highly recommend Drunk Stoned or.

Speaker 1:

Stupid. Oh my gosh, hannah, do you have anything good to read over there? Do you really know your family? That, surely, is more appropriate than that one.

Speaker 3:

Do not do this one no.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to make fun of this one.

Speaker 3:

What's my favorite day of the year?

Speaker 4:

I'm going to say your birthday. What is my favorite way to eat potatoes With your mouth.

Speaker 1:

See, I mean that's good, clean, fun.

Speaker 3:

I have a challenge Do a dance move the person after you copies your move then adds another.

Speaker 1:

Hey see, that one sounds good, this one's good.

Speaker 3:

That sounds good, family friendly.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so the summer, before we went on a family vacation, I bought this silly thing called Life Story Interview Kit. It literally was like advertised all over Instagram, like I felt obligated to buy it and I didn't even look at it before we went and I want you to read a couple. Just pull out randomly. Alexis was like oh my gosh, mom, this is awful, it sounds like you're about to die. So, this one? I don't know, this one might not be that great.

Speaker 4:

But it was literally all over Instagram and I felt the pressure to buy it. I'm trying to find the bottom.

Speaker 1:

The back. Yeah, as soon as she saw it, she's like please get rid of that.

Speaker 2:

For example, what are your most memorable moments from elementary school? What is so bad about that? That one isn't a bad one, they're just very sentimental. What rebellious things did you do as a teenager?

Speaker 3:

I think y'all should each tell a story.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, ask Christy, she would love to share.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, what was the rebellious thing you did as a teenager, mom? Ooh.

Speaker 5:

The most rebellious thing I did as a teenager Probably oh I know what it was Probably sneaking my sister's car out at lunch and holding the parking spot with an orange pylon. But that was back in the dark ages when we drove stick shifts and I never could find reverse, so I'd have to put it in neutral and all my girlfriends would push the car backwards and my sister never knew that I snuck her car out because we had different lunches.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god, chrissy, that's really rebellious.

Speaker 5:

I could probably think of a few for you too.

Speaker 3:

Oh dear.

Speaker 1:

Well, I did sneak the car out a time or two.

Speaker 3:

Yes, Mom, what about when you used Carrie's ID? Oh, oh, when you use Carrie's ID.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

Next card.

Speaker 5:

Next question Next card.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it looks like Christy's moving on to Incoherent Family, which is a really good one. We played this one time in Colorado. It's kind of a crazy game. Can you even read it? It's like weird, right, it's like.

Speaker 5:

Well, if I had my readers, it might be helpful.

Speaker 2:

Maybe I'll oh you have to like, say that.

Speaker 3:

And get it right.

Speaker 5:

Well, so on one side of the card there's a clue Like highs cool, muse sick cool. But it's spelled really weird where sometimes it's hard to like make sense of it. Exactly Like this. One says daily vitamin. Oh whoops, that's the answer.

Speaker 1:

Good one, Christy.

Speaker 5:

Oh, here's one that says co pee pry and and the hint is MBA, mba. What Kobe Bryant?

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, See, this was never a good game for me.

Speaker 5:

This is fun. You want to read one.

Speaker 4:

It's okay, I think you're doing a good job.

Speaker 5:

Hi Dan's Eek. And the hint is I bet you can't find me.

Speaker 3:

I didn't see. I didn't see.

Speaker 1:

I'm a little too slow for this one.

Speaker 5:

This is a little bit more G-rated than the drunk, stoned and stupid. Yeah, we don't recommend that one. Maybe we'll get our families together late.

Speaker 1:

I might not play that that could be fun for sure, like after dessert. You guys come over, yes, or we come over there because you know the dogs, yes, um. So we've given you some ideas of how to distract yourselves, but like um topics to avoid. Let's talk about that for a minute.

Speaker 5:

Obviously, politics seems to be something we should avoid I definitely think politics, unless you purposefully want to piss your family off. I think politics, religion, any of those subjects where you know people have different opinions. Also, like past grievances, oh yeah, things of that nature.

Speaker 1:

Because that can come up a lot of times, especially if you have siblings Like you're just kind of harboring some resentment from years past and it just kind of comes out sometimes, right.

Speaker 5:

Yes, definitely. So. I always like to keep it light and cheery. And, you know, have a glass of champagne and just have fun.

Speaker 1:

No, that sounds good. Girls, do you have any?

Speaker 4:

ideas of just like fun things you can talk about. I think, things not to talk about if we're still going on that topic for a second. First is at least coming from a senior. So many people keep asking me if I have a job next year. And I don't have a job next year, but I'm trying to figure it out. But when I do have one, then I'll tell everyone.

Speaker 1:

You know, oh, my gosh yes.

Speaker 4:

That's just kind of like a lot of pressure right now. And then you know the same old, like boyfriend one. You know, maybe after some champagne we can spill, but that one can be a little annoying.

Speaker 1:

I know, why do adults like ask the same questions Like I? Just I remember that from when I was younger and it would really annoy me. And finally I started lying and just making up this amazing boyfriend that I had, because I was so sick of my grandmother, Like she placed like all my value on whether I had a boyfriend or not and I never did. And so I just made up this really amazing guy, even showed a picture, and he was really amazing and perfect. And then she wondered why we didn't get married and all the stuff. And then she passed away and I married Sean and you know, so that's how that went.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I'm going to take that one. Maybe I'll be using that tomorrow.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, just make up something. We should come up with a really good job for you too.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 5:

Oh yes for sure.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, we'll brainstorm some ideas, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, if all else fails, just like wing it, make it up like embellish, like. That shows creativity, I think.

Speaker 4:

So it's all good. I like that, I like that plan.

Speaker 5:

And also I like that plan. What is it? Oh, and also that means you're putting it out into the universe. Oh, which, by the way, I'm putting out into the universe. My daughter needs a job.

Speaker 1:

And a boyfriend, apparently Okay. So the holidays is always a great time to see movies. There's a lot of family movies, exciting movies out there right now, and I know you girls were talking about it. Before the show, tell us what you want to see.

Speaker 3:

We want to go see the new Wicked movie.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it's pretty amazing. I saw it the other night.

Speaker 3:

I haven't seen it well, obviously, but I saw that it was like three hours long.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was going to say heads up, it is three hours and I got a little sleepy towards the end and I missed the end and I was counting on seeing. But it's really good.

Speaker 3:

Okay, good, I have trouble sitting still for that long, I know right, but I want to see the set and the outfits and songs.

Speaker 1:

I agree, it's really good. You'll want to see it multiple times, even though it's three hours.

Speaker 3:

I keep seeing that on TikTok how people have already seen it.

Speaker 1:

It's all over social media.

Speaker 2:

I really want to see Moana 2 as well. Besides Wicked, Just really love that girl as well, besides, wicked, just really love that girl.

Speaker 4:

Okay, I love all the movies. Both these movies are musical movies, but Moana music, I don't know what it is, it is so good. I haven't seen Moana 2 yet.

Speaker 1:

Can you go ahead and sing one of the songs from the last movie, take it away.

Speaker 3:

When the wind calls me, no one knows oh that's so good, I think you should just leave it to Moana. I think it's just so low, I think you need to leave it to Moana to sing. Oh, thank you.

Speaker 1:

No, that is such a good movie. And Alexis just makes me laugh because it doesn't matter how old she gets, she's just like a little princess at heart, a Disney princess at heart. She loves those movies. I mean she loves those movies.

Speaker 4:

I mean she loves to watch barbie movies, princess movies, it doesn't matter, like she just loves it so cute, they are so cute, you don't have to think about it, you just can just turn it on, feel good, it's like a comfort movie in our apartment, like if we ever just like want to feel like at ease.

Speaker 2:

Like we just put on like a little barbie movie, like we watched barbie christmas the other day. It was so nice and the vibes were so high.

Speaker 3:

The other day we put on. Do you remember that show, olivia the Pig? We were watching that the other night on YouTube.

Speaker 1:

That's hilarious, see, they never grow up. I love that. I love it.

Speaker 4:

To get into the holiday spirit, we watched Home Alone the other night. That one's so good. We really want to start decorating for Christmas, but our dad says we have to wait until after Thanksgiving, which I don't understand why we can't just have it up for a long time.

Speaker 2:

I know my apartment has already been decorated since the day after Halloween. We already went to the store and got our Christmas tree and our stockings and candles to go with the Christmas theme, and then I came home and we already had our Christmas decorations out.

Speaker 5:

Have y'all seen that meme where the turkey is sitting on Santa Claus and he says not yet Santa. No, that sounds funny.

Speaker 1:

That's hilarious. Well, I put up our tree in hopes that we would decorate it the day after Thanksgiving, but we have a number of lights that are out right now and my tech support is not doing me right and checking it out and fixing that. So who knows when that'll get fixed.

Speaker 5:

Just cover those broken lights with your merman ornaments.

Speaker 1:

You should elaborate on that. We did talk about that last year.

Speaker 5:

Oh, we did. And for those of you that don't know what Martha's Merman are.

Speaker 1:

It's literally half mermaid, half man without shirts, and they're all over her tree. They're very handsome. I just have like this hodgepodge of ornaments that are either special memories or things that make me laugh, and I love it. Like getting them out every year and like like reminiscing about where they came from is always fun and special to me.

Speaker 4:

When we used to decorate our tree, we'd put ornaments up and then, I swear, the next day my mom would rearrange the whole tree to make it look like how she wanted it to look.

Speaker 3:

A designer tree. She'd put all of her little homemade ornaments at the bottom and the back that sounds like your mom for sure.

Speaker 5:

Okay, that's not true. It's because y'all couldn't reach very high, so 90% of the ornaments would be at the bottom of the tree, so I would just space them out a little bit, uh-huh Okay.

Speaker 1:

Well, that leads me to the question how soon is too soon to turn on the lights, Because I feel like our whole neighborhood is lit up right now.

Speaker 5:

I know I used to love when Highland Park and University Park would do the Christmas tree lighting in Highland Park Village and then also in Snyder Plaza and it was a big countdown and Santa would come and it was always the day after Thanksgiving and it was so special. But now it's just kind of like everybody already has it done. There's no like countdown or anticipation for it. It's beautiful. I love seeing all the lights, but I loved that tradition of when our children were little.

Speaker 1:

Well, sunday is the UP tree lighting and it is at Centennial Park this year, which used to be Gore Park, and they're having a big celebration. They moved it just for this year only because of all the construction in Snyder Plaza.

Speaker 5:

Oh gotcha yeah, I have such fond all the construction in Snyder Plaza. Oh gotcha yeah, I have such fond memories of going to Snyder Plaza. Well, you'll see us at Gore.

Speaker 1:

Park. It'll be so fun. I can't wait. Okay, so let's move on to shopping locally. I am super big on supporting our local businesses. I am really tired of these big box retailers taking over and pushing all the little guys out, and I created a list a couple of years ago that is on our website, bubbleloungenet, under blog and under businesses, to support, but we're going to talk about just some of the local businesses that we love and we want you to support.

Speaker 5:

Well, I have one that's very near and dear to my heart. It's by Hannah Weitzel.

Speaker 1:

Who happens to be sitting right here?

Speaker 5:

Yes, we happen to have the designer in the house and it's a line of jewelry that she custom makes and designs, and I have purchased some of her necklaces.

Speaker 1:

She just happens to be my goddaughter and we forgot to mention that Christy is Alexis' goddaughter, so we consider them god sisters. So, anyways, your jewelry is amazing. Tell us a little bit about it.

Speaker 3:

It's super fun. I started doing it last winter break because I was just bored at home, and so I'll go to market with my mom and just buy a bunch of supplies and kind of put it together and I've been doing trunk shows at school and it's fun. It's another thing. Just keep me busy no, that's awesome.

Speaker 1:

Tell us your Instagram. Where can people order?

Speaker 3:

um, I do most of my orders through just Instagram DMs. Right now it's by Hannah Weitzel. Um, and then just friends of friends and the trunk shows. Pop-up shops Through my sorority a lot. Yeah, but it's super fun, I like it. And the most popular thing right now is the like chunky charm necklaces. So I've been doing a lot of those recently, which is really fun to see how like, because everyone has a different vision of like how they want to, what charms they want to use, where they want to put them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I wouldn't think of too. Yeah, we ordered one for Alexis. I don't remember what we had on there.

Speaker 2:

I get lots of compliments on it. There's shamrock on it, some random things. A heart maybe.

Speaker 5:

It's really cute. What is your favorite local shop?

Speaker 1:

Well, I love Cat Noel. That's owned by shannon judd. She also has closed circuit and baldwin bread, like I tend to stick up and down uh lovers lane and snyder plaza for my local places I did not realize that, that the same owner was closed circuit and cat noel, oh yeah yeah, which I love both. Yeah, they're both amazing. So I mean there's just no shortage of amazing spots.

Speaker 1:

I also love um that to be continued yeah, I don't know if you ever shopped there, but they have amazing um vintage and, you know, resale, and then um, who else do we like?

Speaker 3:

girls, that's, that's local, we like Baldwin Bread.

Speaker 5:

We love.

Speaker 4:

Baldwin Bread and Dear Hannah. I feel like we never. We just like shop local like around Dallas. It's so much more fun because when you go back to school nobody's going to have like the same clothing or like jewelry or shoes kind of. So then I feel like everybody at school has like the same Zara Zara top or the same like Lululemon or whatever it is.

Speaker 1:

So it's kind of fun to have something different when you can just shop like where most people can't find it yeah, that's a really good point, because both of your schools UT and TCU where so many people in our neighborhood go, is, um, it's like it is a fashion show. You guys are like super models at the football games. I mean, when I went to Alexis's parents weekend, I already knew that that happened, but seeing it firsthand, I was like holy cow and it didn't seem like anyone had the same outfits on. So finding a unique boutique to shop at is key.

Speaker 4:

I totally agree and also like Hannah, she's in fashion merchandising. I swear like all of them going to class look so cute all the time. And now it's so fun because I don't know if you'll ever take kind of creepy but you can take pictures of like people's outfit and Google will just show you where it's from. You just upload to google and be like oh, alexa's sweater is from this boutique or whatever, so it's like you can find it. But I think it's more fun when you just you get to actually like try it on and go shop like around town with your mom or sister with whoever's holding the credit card.

Speaker 1:

I know that seems to be my key takeaway of kids coming back in town from college during the holidays is what can you buy for me?

Speaker 5:

It definitely. I do see a spike in my spending when they are home For sure, definitely.

Speaker 1:

I mean, the grocery bill is a lot higher, the clothing bill, all the stuff. All I've got to say is Alexis Jackson is going to look really nice at the UT A&M game this Saturday. I hope you'll post pictures. So, Christy, this has been an interesting conversation, especially since we've known each other since early college days, Like what are your thoughts on our girls coming home from college versus when we would go home from college?

Speaker 5:

Oh, that's a really good question. I remember you and I going home from college.

Speaker 1:

Don't share too much.

Speaker 5:

Don't worry, we would basically drop our stuff at the door and then leave again and really see our mom, or I would see my mom for a minute for the meal and then I would be gone. So I don't know that things have really changed all that much, because but also I don't know that our parents really wanted to see us like we want to see them.

Speaker 1:

I know parenting has changed a lot and I feel like they were just like OK, welcome home, see you, but we really want to spend time with them. I agree has changed a lot and I feel like they were just like okay, welcome home, see ya, like, but we really want to spend time with them.

Speaker 5:

I agree. I think that's totally different with our generation than with our parents.

Speaker 1:

Well, yes, definitely. Alexis has dropped her stuff in our living room and it literally looks like she's moved back for the summer, and I've asked her multiple times to move it back upstairs and it's still there.

Speaker 5:

And it still never finds its way does it.

Speaker 1:

It does not. Alexis Jackson, I'm so surprised you would never put up with that. You're like a no-nonsense mom.

Speaker 2:

Well, I have a lot of clothes I need to sort through and I like having the space to lay everything out.

Speaker 5:

All over the living room. Yeah, child.

Speaker 2:

You can make piles. You can make piles. You can see what you have. It's more of a visual thing.

Speaker 1:

You can separate it by color.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like sleeve length to figure out is this winter? Is this more summer? It's a big process deciding what clothes I'm taking back home and which ones I'm dropping off.

Speaker 5:

Okay, well, that makes sense to me.

Speaker 2:

I think it should stay the whole time you're home. Me too, I think it should just be part of our new decor. Pretty, much.

Speaker 5:

Oh, it has been. That works great for your house. Girls, don't get any ideas of ours.

Speaker 1:

Well, ladies, thank you so much for doing this today. This was so fun just to talk about Thanksgiving and having you guys home for the holidays. We absolutely love having you all back here.

Speaker 4:

Thanks for having us. It's been a pleasure.

Speaker 3:

It's been so fun.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what to say, okay, obviously they've had an amazing time and they're so grateful to be on the Bubble Lounge today, hannah was left speechless.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's been another episode of the Bubble Lounge. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.

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